How to perform EZ Bar Preacher Curl with proper form


  1. Equipment: Use an EZ bar and a preacher curl bench.
  2. Positioning: Sit on the preacher bench with your chest against the pad. Grab the EZ bar with an underhand grip, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.


  1. Starting Position: Arms should be fully extended, hanging over the edge of the bench.
  2. Curl Movement:
    • Keep your elbows stationary against the pad.
    • Curl the barbell towards your shoulders by flexing your elbows.
    • Squeeze at the top of the movement for a brief moment.
  3. Lowering Phase:
    • Slowly lower the bar back to the starting position, ensuring full extension of the arms.
    • Maintain control throughout the descent.


  • Keep your wrists straight; avoid bending them.
  • Focus on using your biceps, not your back or shoulders.
  • Breathe out during the curl and inhale while lowering the bar.

Common Mistakes

  • Using too much weight and compromising form.
  • Allowing elbows to drift off the pad.
  • Swinging the body to initiate the curl.

Following this guide will help ensure you perform the EZ bar preacher curl with proper form, maximizing effectiveness and minimizing the risk of injury.