How to perform Leverage Machine Seated Leg Curl with proper form

  1. Setup

    • Adjust the backrest so your knees are aligned with the machine's pivot point.
    • Sit down and place your legs on the padded lever, positioning your ankles just above your heels.
  2. Foot Placement

    • Ensure your feet are flexed with your toes pointed slightly upward.
    • Your knees should be at a 90-degree angle when starting.
  3. Grip

    • Hold onto the side handles of the machine for stability.
  4. Curl Movement

    • Exhale and curl your legs down by flexing your knees, bringing your heels towards your glutes.
    • Keep your upper body pressed against the backrest throughout the movement.
  5. Peak Contraction

    • At the bottom of the curl, pause briefly to maximize muscle contraction.
  6. Returning

    • Inhale and lower your legs back to the starting position in a controlled manner.
    • Avoid using momentum; focus on a slow return.
  7. Repetition

    • Repeat for desired repetitions, maintaining proper form throughout.

Key Points

  • Maintain a neutral spine.
  • Avoid locking your knees at the start/end of the movement.
  • Adjust the machine settings as needed for comfort and proper alignment.