How to perform Barbell Thruster with proper form


  1. Barbell Position: Rest the barbell on your shoulders, similar to a front squat position. Use a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width.
  2. Foot Position: Stand with your feet hip-width apart.


  1. Squat Down: Initiate the movement by bending your knees and lowering your hips back, keeping your chest up and core engaged.
  2. Move into Full Squat: Descend until your thighs are parallel to the ground or lower.
  3. Drive Up: Push through your heels to rise back up. As you stand, begin to press the barbell overhead.
  4. Overhead Press: Extend your arms fully at the top of the movement. Ensure your body is in a straight line from the bar to your feet.
  5. Lower the Bar: Reverse the motion by bringing the bar back to your shoulders while preparing for the next squat.

Tips for Proper Form

  • Keep your elbows high throughout the movement.
  • Maintain a neutral spine and avoid leaning forward excessively.
  • Engage your core and brace your abdomen.
  • Control the movement to avoid losing balance or form.

Common Mistakes

  • Letting the bar drift away from the body.
  • Rounding the back during the squat.
  • Not using a full range of motion.


  • Inhale while squatting down.
  • Exhale during the drive up and overhead press.