How to perform Band Stiff Leg Deadlift with proper form


  1. Equipment Needed: Resistance band and a flat surface.
  2. Position the Band: Step on the band with both feet, placing it under the mid-foot. Hold the ends in each hand, arms fully extended.


  1. Initial Stance: Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, back straight, and shoulders back. Hold the band with palms facing the body.
  2. Hinge at Hips: Push your hips back while maintaining a slight bend in the knees. Keep your back straight and core engaged throughout.
  3. Lower the Band: Allow the band to lower towards the ground, keeping it close to the body. Go down until you feel a stretch in the hamstrings.
  4. Return to Start: Engage your glutes and hamstrings to push through your heels, returning to the starting position while keeping the back straight.


  • Focus on hinging at the hips, not bending at the waist.
  • Keep the band taut—avoid slack.
  • Maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.
  • Control the movement; avoid jerking or using momentum.