How to perform Bodyweight Hip Thrust with proper form

Starting Position

  1. Sit on the ground with your upper back against a bench or a sturdy surface.
  2. Roll a barbell or place a weight plate over your hips for added resistance (if using weights).
  3. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.


  1. Engage Core: Tighten your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine.
  2. Lift Hips: Drive through your heels and thrust your hips upward. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
  3. Squeeze Glutes: At the top of the movement, squeeze your glutes tightly and hold for a moment.


  1. Slowly lower your hips back down to the starting position while keeping control of the movement.

Key Points

  • Keep your chin tucked and eyes looking forward.
  • Focus on using your glutes, not your lower back.
  • Ensure your feet remain flat, and knees stay aligned with your toes.
  • Avoid arching your back excessively at the top of the lift.

Common Mistakes

  • Overextending the back instead of using the glutes.
  • Not placing feet close enough to the body.
  • Allowing knees to cave inwards.

By following this guide, you can perform the bodyweight hip thrust safely and effectively to strengthen your glutes and improve overall hip movement.