How to perform Leverage Machine Deadlift with proper form


  1. Adjust Machine: Set the lever arm to an appropriate height, so you can start with your knees slightly bent and feet flat on the platform.
  2. Foot Position: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, flat against the footplate.


  1. Hand Placement: Grab the handles or bar with both hands, using a neutral (palms facing each other) or overhand grip, depending on the machine design.

Starting Position

  1. Back Position: Keep your back straight and chest up. Engage your core to stabilize your spine.
  2. Knees and Hips: Position your knees just behind your toes; hips should be lower than your shoulders.


  1. Initiate the Lift: Push through your heels, extending your knees and hips simultaneously.
  2. Maintain Form: Keep the weights close to your body as you rise. Avoid rounding your back or leaning too far forward.
  3. Full Extension: Stand upright at the top of the movement, ensuring your shoulders are back and down.

Lowering the Weight

  1. Control the Descent: Hinge at your hips first, then bend your knees while keeping your back straight.
  2. Return to Start: Lower the weight back to the starting position in a controlled manner, avoiding sudden drops or jerks.


  • Breathing: Inhale before the lift and exhale at the top.
  • Focus on Form: Prioritize proper technique over lifting heavy weights to prevent injury.
  • Avoid Overextension: Do not hyperextend your back at the top of the lift.

Always consult with a professional trainer if you're unsure about your form or the equipment.