How to perform Kettlebell Pistol Squat with proper form


  1. Kettlebell Grip: Hold a kettlebell by the horns with both hands, keeping it close to your chest or at arm's length for balance.
  2. Stance: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed slightly outward.


  1. One-Leg Lift: Shift your weight to one leg and lift the opposite leg off the ground, extending it forward.
  2. Squat Down: Lower your body by bending the standing knee while keeping the lifted leg extended in front of you.
  3. Depth: Aim to squat down until your hip is below your knee on the standing leg. Maintain your balance and control.
  4. Core Engagement: Keep your core tight and ensure your back remains straight throughout the movement.
  5. Return: Push through your heel to stand back up, returning to the starting position while keeping the lifted leg extended.

Tips for Proper Form

  • Knee Alignment: Ensure your knee stays in line with your toes; avoid letting it cave inward.
  • Controlled Movement: Perform the squat slowly to maintain stability and control.
  • Breathe: Inhale as you lower and exhale as you push back up.

Common Mistakes

  • Rounding the back: Keep a neutral spine.
  • Loss of balance: Focus on a fixed point in front of you.
  • Not engaging the core: Always keep the core tight for stability.


Start with a lighter kettlebell or no weight at all until you master the form, then gradually increase the weight as you become more comfortable.