How to perform Dumbbell Arnold Press with proper form

Starting Position

  1. Seating: Sit on a bench with back support or stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Dumbbells: Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height, palms facing you.


  1. Engage Core: Tighten your core for stability.
  2. Press: Rotate your palms outward while pressing the dumbbells overhead.
  3. Full Extension: Extend arms fully above your head.
  4. Lowering: Slowly reverse the motion, rotating your palms to face you as you lower the weights back to the starting position.


  • Keep your elbows in front of your body throughout the movement.
  • Maintain a neutral spine; avoid leaning back excessively.
  • Control the movement, avoiding jerky motions.

Common Mistakes

  • Using too much weight, leading to poor form.
  • Arching the back excessively.
  • Not controlling the descent of the weights.

By following these guidelines, you'll perform the Dumbbell Arnold Press effectively and safely.