How to perform Kettlebell Lateral Raise with proper form

Starting Position

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Hold a kettlebell in each hand at your sides, palms facing your body.


  1. Lift: Raise the kettlebells out to the sides, keeping a slight bend in your elbows.
  2. Height: Lift until your arms are parallel to the floor, or slightly higher if comfortable.
  3. Control: Avoid swinging; use a controlled motion both up and down.
  4. Engagement: Keep your core tight and shoulders down throughout the movement.


  1. Lower the kettlebells back to the starting position with control.
  2. Maintain the same control and form while returning.


  • Keep your neck relaxed and avoid shrugging your shoulders.
  • Focus on using your shoulder muscles to lift the weight.
  • Adjust the weight of the kettlebells to maintain proper form throughout the exercise.