How to perform Bodyweight Cable Twist with proper form


  1. Equipment: Use a cable machine with the pulley set at waist height.
  2. Position: Stand side-on to the machine, feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the cable handle with both hands, arms extended and slightly bent.


  1. Initial Position: Rotate your torso away from the machine, keeping your feet planted. Engage your core.
  2. Twisting Motion: Pull the cable across your body by twisting your torso towards the machine while keeping your arms straight.
  3. End Position: Reach the peak of the twist, ensuring your hips remain stable and your shoulders are aligned.
  4. Return: Slowly reverse the motion to return to the starting position in a controlled manner, maintaining tension in your core throughout.

Tips for Proper Form

  • Engage Core: Keep your abdominal muscles tightened during the entire movement.
  • Controlled Movement: Avoid using momentum; focus on controlled twists.
  • Knees Soft: Maintain a slight bend in your knees to stabilize your lower body.
  • Breathing: Inhale as you rotate and exhale during the twist.

Common Mistakes

  • Leaning Back: Avoid arching your back; keep a neutral spine.
  • Fast Movements: Don’t rush through; slow, controlled motions are key.
  • Over-Rotating: Ensure the twist is coming from your torso, not just your arms.

By following these guidelines, you can perform the Bodyweight Cable Twist effectively while minimizing the risk of injury.