How to perform Leverage Machine Pistol Squat with proper form


  1. Position the Machine: Adjust the leverage machine so the foot plate is at a suitable height for your squatting position.
  2. Select Weight: Choose an appropriate weight based on your strength and experience level.


  1. Starting Position: Stand on the foot plate with one foot, while the other foot remains lifted off the ground. Engage your core.
  2. Grip Handles: Hold the machine's handles for stability.
  3. Squatting Motion:
    • Slowly bend the knee of the standing leg, lowering your body into a squat.
    • Keep your other leg extended in front of you, maintaining balance.
  4. Depth Control: Descend until your thigh is parallel to the ground, or as low as your flexibility and balance allow.
  5. Return to Start: Push through the heel of the standing foot, returning to the starting position while maintaining control.


  • Keep your back straight and chest up throughout the movement.
  • Engage your glutes and quadriceps as you lift back up.
  • Avoid letting your knees collapse inward; they should track over your toes.
  • Start with a lighter weight until you master the form.


  • Ensure the machine is stable and properly set up before starting.
  • If new to the exercise, consider seeking guidance from a fitness professional.