How to perform Barbell Step up with proper form


  1. Equipment: Use a barbell and a sturdy bench or step.
  2. Positioning: Place the barbell across your upper back, similar to a squat position. Feet shoulder-width apart.


  1. Starting Position: Stand in front of the bench, facing it.
  2. Step Up: Lift one foot and place it firmly on the bench. Ensure the entire foot is in contact.
  3. Drive Up: Push through the heel of the foot on the bench to lift your body up. Keep the other foot hovering just above the ground.
  4. Top Position: Stand tall at the top of the step, maintaining balance. Engage your core.
  5. Step Down: Lower back down by bending your knee and controlling the movement. Step down with the same foot you used to step up.
  6. Repeat: Alternate legs after completing the desired repetitions.


  • Keep your back straight and chest up throughout the movement.
  • Avoid leaning forward; maintain an upright torso.
  • Choose a bench height that allows for a comfortable range of motion.