How to perform Dumbbell V Up with proper form

Starting Position

  1. Lie on your back on a mat with a dumbbell held in both hands, extended above your chest.
  2. Keep your legs straight and together on the ground.


  1. Simultaneously lift your legs and upper body off the ground, bringing them towards each other.
  2. As you lift, pull the dumbbell towards your legs, keeping it in line with your torso.
  3. Aim to form a 'V' shape with your body at the top of the movement.


  1. Slowly lower your body back to the starting position while keeping control.
  2. Extend your legs and arms back to the ground without letting them touch the floor.


  • Keep your core engaged throughout the movement.
  • Avoid using momentum; focus on controlled movements.
  • Breathe out during the lift and in during the lower.

Common Mistakes

  • Arching your back excessively; maintain a neutral spine.
  • Lifting your legs too high or not high enough; be consistent with form.
  • Using too much weight; prioritize form over weight.