How to perform EZ Bar Skullcrusher with proper form


  1. Equipment: Use an EZ bar and a flat bench.
  2. Seating: Lie on your back on the bench with your head slightly off the end.


  1. Hand Position: Take an overhand grip on the EZ bar with hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Elbows: Hold the bar above your chest, with elbows locked but not excessively arched.


  1. Lowering:
    • Slowly bend your elbows to lower the bar towards your forehead.
    • Keep elbows close to your head and stationary.
  2. Pause: When the bar is near your forehead, pause briefly.
  3. Raising:
    • Extend your arms back to the starting position.
    • Focus on squeezing your triceps at the top.

Form Tips

  • Alignment: Keep your wrists straight and aligned with your forearms throughout the movement.
  • Breathing: Inhale as you lower the bar and exhale as you raise it.
  • Control: Maintain controlled movements to avoid injury.

Common Mistakes

  • Flared Elbows: Keep elbows tucked to prevent shoulder strain.
  • Using Momentum: Avoid jerking the weight; focus on muscle engagement.
  • Lifting Too Heavy: Prioritize form over weight to reduce the risk of injury.

Follow these guidelines to perform the EZ Bar Skullcrusher effectively and safely!