How to perform Dumbbell Shrug with proper form

Starting Position

  • Stand upright with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing your body.
  • Feet should be shoulder-width apart, with a slight bend in the knees.


  1. Engage Your Shoulders: Begin by relaxing your arms at your sides and focusing on your shoulders.
  2. Lift Your Shoulders: Raise your shoulders straight up towards your ears as high as possible. Keep your arms straight and allow the dumbbells to hang down.
  3. Hold the Contraction: At the top of the movement, pause briefly to maximize muscle engagement.
  4. Lower Slowly: Slowly lower your shoulders back to the starting position to complete one repetition.

Tips for Proper Form

  • Keep the Neck Neutral: Avoid tilting your head forward or backward during the exercise.
  • Controlled Motion: Perform the lift and lowering in a slow and controlled manner to prevent injury and maximize effectiveness.
  • Avoid Overextension: Do not rotate or roll your shoulders; keep the movement vertical.
  • Breathe: Inhale while raising your shoulders and exhale while lowering them.

Common Mistakes

  • Lifting with your arms rather than your shoulders.
  • Using momentum to lift the weights instead of controlled movement.
  • Shrugging with a hunched back; maintain a straight posture.

Following these guidelines will help you perform the Dumbbell Shrug effectively and safely.