How to perform Trap Bar Trap Bar Deadlift with proper form

Equipment Needed

  • Trap bar


  1. Positioning: Stand in the center of the trap bar with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Grip: Bend at your hips and knees to grab the neutral handles of the trap bar.
  3. Foot Placement: Ensure your shins are close to the bar without touching.


  1. Back Position: Keep your spine neutral. Avoid rounding your back; maintain a straight line from head to tailbone.
  2. Core Engagement: Brace your core by tightening your abdominal muscles.
  3. Shoulders: Pull your shoulders back and down; keep them retracted throughout the lift.
  4. Knees: Ensure your knees track over your toes while maintaining a stable stance.


  1. Initiate the Lift: Push through your heels and extend your hips and knees simultaneously.
  2. Lift: Bring your torso up while keeping the trap bar close to your body.
  3. End Position: Stand tall with your chest up and shoulders back at the top of the lift.
  4. Lowering: Reverse the movement by hinging at the hips, guiding the bar down until you return to the starting position, maintaining the same form.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Rounding the back during the lift.
  • Allowing the knees to cave inward.
  • Lifting too much weight without proper form.

Remember to focus on your breathing throughout the lift, exhaling during the upward phase and inhaling as you lower the weight.