How to perform Band Step up with proper form

Equipment Needed

  • Resistance band
  • Stable bench or step

Execution Steps

  1. Setup:

    • Secure the resistance band under your front foot and hold the handles or ends of the band with both hands.
  2. Starting Position:

    • Stand facing the bench or step with your feet hip-width apart. Your band should be taut, providing resistance.
  3. Engage Core:

    • Tighten your core by pulling your navel towards your spine.
  4. Step Up:

    • Shift your weight onto the foot with the band and step up onto the bench with the same foot, ensuring your entire foot is on the surface.
  5. Drive Through Heel:

    • Press through your heel to lift your body up, straightening your leg while keeping your chest up and back straight.
  6. Controlled Descent:

    • Slowly lower your body back down to the starting position by bending the knee of the stepping foot and controlling the movement.
  7. Repeat:

    • Alternate between legs, maintaining form throughout.

Key Tips

  • Keep your knee aligned with your ankle during the step-up.
  • Avoid leaning forward; maintain an upright posture.
  • Control the movement to engage the muscles effectively and prevent injury.