How to perform Band Side Bend with proper form


  1. Equipment: Use a resistance band with appropriate tension.
  2. Starting Position:
    • Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Hold the band with one hand, securing the other end under your foot on the same side.


  1. Engage Core: Tighten your abdominal muscles.
  2. Side Bend:
    • Slowly lean to the side, bringing your hand down towards your knee.
    • Keep your opposite arm extended overhead for balance.
  3. Return to Start:
    • Engage your obliques and return to the upright position.
    • Avoid leaning back or forth excessively; focus on lateral movement.


  • Maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.
  • Avoid locking your knees; keep them slightly bent.
  • Perform the exercise in a controlled manner, emphasizing the stretch.
  • Switch sides to work both obliques.

Common Mistakes

  • Overextending the lower back.
  • Using momentum instead of controlled movement.
  • Not keeping the hips stable during the bend.