How to perform Barbell Sumo Deadlift High Pull with proper form


  1. Starting Position:

    • Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart.
    • Position the barbell over the mid-foot.
    • Point toes slightly outward.
  2. Grip the Bar:

    • Bend at the hips and knees to lower your body.
    • Grasp the bar with a grip slightly narrower than shoulder width (palms facing you or mixed grip).
  3. Set Your Back:

    • Keep your chest up, shoulders back, and engage your core.
    • Maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.
  4. Initiate the Pull:

    • Push through your heels as you extend your hips and knees simultaneously to lift the bar.
    • Keep the bar close to your body, dragging it up along the thighs.
  5. Execute the High Pull:

    • As the bar passes your knees, engage your shoulders and begin to pull the bar up.
    • Extend your elbows and pull the bar towards your chin, using your legs and hips for upward momentum.
  6. Finish Position:

    • At the peak of the pull, your elbows should be above your wrists, and the bar should be close to your body.
    • Hold the contraction briefly.
  7. Lower the Bar:

    • Reverse the motion by lowering the bar back down in a controlled manner.
    • First, lower your elbows, then the bar, keeping it close to your body.
    • Return to the starting position.

Tips for Proper Form:

  • Keep your weight balanced on your heels.
  • Avoid rounding your back; maintain spine alignment.
  • Focus on engaging your entire posterior chain during the lift.
  • Always practice with light weights to master form before increasing load.


  • Ensure a clear environment to prevent injury.
  • Use lifting shoes or a flat-soled shoe for stability.