How to perform Bodyweight Step up with proper form

Starting Position

  • Stand facing a sturdy platform or bench, feet hip-width apart.


  1. Step Up: Place one foot firmly on the platform. Keep your weight on that leg.
  2. Drive Up: Push through the heel of the elevated foot, straightening your leg to lift your body onto the platform.
  3. Thermal Leg: Bring the opposite knee up towards your chest as you step up.
  4. Lower Down: Step down carefully with the same foot you used to step up, controlling the descent.
  5. Repeat: Alternate legs and continue the movement.

Form Tips

  • Keep your back straight and engage your core throughout.
  • Avoid leaning forward; maintain an upright posture.
  • Ensure your knee does not extend past your toes as you step up.
  • Use a height that allows for comfort and stability.

Common Mistakes

  • Rushing the movement or using momentum.
  • Allowing the knee to collapse inward.
  • Not engaging the core or using poor posture.

By following these steps, you will perform the bodyweight step up safely and effectively.