How to perform Band Triceps Extension with proper form


  1. Equipment: Use a resistance band, preferably a light to medium tension band.
  2. Anchor Point: Secure the band to a stable overhead point. This could be a door anchor or other sturdy fixture.


  1. Starting Position: Stand with your back to the anchor point, holding the band with both hands. Your arms should be bent at a 90-degree angle, elbows close to your head.
  2. Grip: Use a neutral grip (palms facing each other) or an overhand grip (palms facing down).


  1. Extension: Extend your arms upward, pushing against the band. Focus on straightening your elbows while keeping your upper arms stationary.
  2. Alignment: Ensure your elbows remain close to your head throughout the movement.
  3. Control: Slowly return to the starting position to complete one repetition. Maintain tension in the band as you lower the arms.


  • Core Engagement: Keep your core engaged for stability.
  • Breathing: Exhale during the extension phase and inhale while returning to the starting position.
  • Avoid Arching: Keep your back straight and avoid arching during the exercise.

Common Mistakes

  • Allowing elbows to flare out.
  • Using momentum instead of controlled movement.
  • Overextending beyond the point of tension in the band.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively perform the Band Triceps Extension while minimizing the risk of injury.