How to perform Dumbbell Front Raise with proper form


Targets the anterior deltoids, upper chest, and trapezius.


  • A pair of dumbbells

Starting Position

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms at your sides, palms facing your thighs.

Execution Steps

  1. Lift: Raise the dumbbells in front of you, keeping your arms slightly bent.
  2. Angle: Lift to shoulder height or slightly above, maintaining control.
  3. Hold: Pause at the top of the movement for a moment.
  4. Lower: Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position.

Form Tips

  • Back Straight: Keep your back straight and avoid arching.
  • Core Engaged: Maintain tension in your core for stability.
  • Movement Control: Avoid swinging; focus on controlled movements.
  • Breath: Exhale while lifting and inhale while lowering.

Common Mistakes

  • Lifting too heavy, leading to poor form.
  • Raising arms higher than shoulder level, risking shoulder strain.
  • Not engaging the core, which can compromise posture.

Use this guide to perform the Dumbbell Front Raise effectively and safely.