How to perform Cable Standing Row Rear Delt, Horizontal, With Rope with proper form


  1. Equipment: Use a cable machine with a rope attachment.
  2. Adjust the Pulley: Set the pulley to a mid or low position, depending on your height and comfort.


  1. Stance: Stand facing the cable machine, feet shoulder-width apart, and knees slightly bent.
  2. Grip: Grab the rope with both hands, palms facing inwards, and take a few steps back to create tension in the cable.
  3. Starting Position: Hold the rope in front of you, arms extended, elbows slightly bent, and maintain a neutral spine.


  1. Retract Shoulders: Pull your shoulder blades back and down to engage the upper back.
  2. Rowing Motion: Pull the rope towards your face, leading with your elbows. Keep your upper arms parallel to the floor.
  3. Squeeze: At the peak of the movement, pause and squeeze your shoulder blades together to maximize rear delt engagement.


  1. Controlled Release: Slowly extend your arms back to the starting position while maintaining tension on the cable.
  2. Avoid Locking Elbows: Keep your elbows slightly bent to prevent joint strain.


  • Keep your core engaged throughout the exercise.
  • Maintain a neutral spine; avoid rounding your back.
  • Avoid excessive swinging or momentum; focus on control.

Common Mistakes

  • Poor Posture: Avoid rounding or hyper-extending your back.
  • Using Momentum: Focus on a controlled movement without swinging.
  • Too Much Weight: Start light to perfect form before increasing resistance.

Key Tips

  • Focus on slow, controlled movements.
  • Breathe out while pulling the rope in, and inhale while returning.
  • Maintain tense engagement in your core and upper back throughout the exercise.