How to perform Band Chest Press with proper form

Equipment Needed

  • Resistance band (preferably one with handles)
  • Anchor point (door anchor or secure pole)


  1. Anchor the Band: Attach the band to a secure anchor at chest height.
  2. Position Yourself: Stand facing away from the anchor point, holding the handles with both hands.


  1. Grip: Hold the band handles with palms facing down and elbows bent at a 90-degree angle.
  2. Stance: Position your feet shoulder-width apart for stability.
  3. Engage Core: Tighten your core to maintain balance throughout the movement.
  4. Press: Push the band forward by extending your arms until they are fully extended. Keep the elbows slightly bent at the end position.
  5. Control Return: Slowly bring your hands back to the starting position, maintaining control of the band.


  • Keep your shoulders down and back throughout the movement.
  • Avoid arching your back; maintain a neutral spine.
  • Adjust band tension by moving closer or farther from the anchor point as needed.


  • Inhale as you return to the starting position. Exhale while pressing forward.