How to perform Leverage Machine Calf Press on Seated Leg Press with proper form


  1. Position Yourself: Sit on the seated leg press with your back firmly against the pad. Adjust the seat so that your feet can be placed comfortably on the platform.
  2. Foot Placement: Place your feet shoulder-width apart on the platform, focusing on the balls of your feet. Your heels should hang off the edge.


  1. Starting Position: Push the platform slightly to ensure the machine is locked in position.
  2. Calf Raise: Flex your ankles by pressing through the balls of your feet, lifting your heels as high as possible while keeping your knees straight.
  3. Range of Motion: Lower your heels back down towards the platform to achieve a full stretch in your calves without letting them rest completely.
  4. Breathing: Exhale as you lift your heels and inhale as you lower.

Tips for Proper Form

  • Controlled Movement: Avoid using momentum; focus on controlled movements throughout the exercise.
  • Avoid Locking Knees: Keep a slight bend in your knees to prevent strain.
  • Foot Position: Experiment with foot positioning (toes pointed in, out, or straight) to target different parts of the calf muscles.
  • Stay Engaged: Keep your core engaged throughout the exercise for stability.

Common Mistakes

  • Too Much Weight: Start with a manageable weight to maintain control and form.
  • Partial Range of Motion: Ensure you achieve a full range of motion for effective calf training.
  • Rounding Back: Maintain good posture with an upright torso throughout the exercise.


Incorporate the Leverage Machine Calf Press into your routine for effective calf development, remembering to focus on form over weight.