How to perform Leverage Machine Chest Fly with proper form


  1. Adjust the Seat: Sit on the machine and adjust the seat height so that your arms are at chest level when grasping the handles.
  2. Position Yourself: Place your back firmly against the padded backrest. Your feet should be flat on the floor.


  1. Hold the Handles: Grasp the handles with a neutral grip, palms facing each other.
  2. Elbow Position: Keep your elbows slightly bent throughout the movement to reduce strain on your joints.


  1. Starting Position: Begin with your arms extended out to the sides, maintaining tension in your chest.
  2. Execution: Slowly bring the handles together in a controlled manner, focusing on contracting your chest muscles.
  3. End Position: Bring the handles close together without letting them touch, maintaining tension in your chest.


  1. Controlled Reversal: Gradually return to the starting position, ensuring that your elbows remain slightly bent and that you feel a stretch in your chest.


  • Breathing: Exhale as you bring the handles together and inhale as you return to the starting position.
  • Focus on Form: Keep your movements slow and controlled to maximize muscle engagement and minimize risk of injury.
  • Avoid Overextending: Do not let the weights fall or swing; maintain a smooth, deliberate motion.

Common Mistakes

  • Rushing the Movement: Prioritize control over speed.
  • Using Too Much Weight: Choose a weight that allows you to maintain proper form and avoid straining.