How to perform Cable Glute Kickback with proper form

Equipment Needed

  • Cable machine with ankle strap attachment

Starting Position

  1. Adjust the cable to the lowest setting.
  2. Attach ankle strap to the cable.
  3. Stand facing the machine, placing the strap around your ankle.
  4. Position your feet shoulder-width apart.


  1. Brace Your Core: Engage your core to stabilize your spine.
  2. Get into Position: Transfer your weight onto your supporting leg, slightly bending the knee.
  3. Kick Back: Keeping your leg straight, hinge at the hip to extend the strapped leg straight back.
    • Ensure the movement is controlled and focus on squeezing your glute at the top of the motion.
  4. Return to Start: Lower your leg back into the starting position without letting it touch the floor, maintaining tension in your glutes.
  5. Repetition: Repeat the movement for desired repetitions before switching to the other leg.

Tips for Proper Form

  • Keep your back straight and avoid leaning forward.
  • Ensure the movement comes from the hip to effectively target the glutes.
  • Avoid using momentum; focus on slow and controlled movements.
  • Adjust the ankle strap securely to prevent it from slipping during the exercise.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Arching your back excessively.
  • Allowing the supporting knee to collapse inward.
  • Kicking your leg too high, which can compromise form.

This exercise effectively targets the glutes and can enhance your lower body strength and stability.