How to perform Cable Triceps Pushdown with proper form


  1. Equipment: Use a cable machine with a rope or straight bar attachment.
  2. Adjust Height: Set the cable pulley to a high position.


  1. Starting Position: Stand facing the cable machine. Grasp the attachment with both hands, elbows close to your body, palms facing down or neutral. Feet should be shoulder-width apart.
  2. Body Position: Keep your back straight and core engaged. Your elbows should remain stationary at your sides throughout the movement.
  3. Pushdown Phase: Exhale and extend your arms downward, pushing the attachment down until your elbows are fully extended, but not locked.
  4. Return Phase: Inhale and slowly allow the attachment to rise back to the starting position, maintaining control.

Tips for Proper Form

  • Elbow Position: Keep elbows pinned to your sides; do not flare them out.
  • Wrist Alignment: Keep wrists neutral; avoid bending them during the movement.
  • Movement Control: Focus on a smooth motion both down and back, avoiding jerky or rapid movements.
  • Alignment: Ensure your shoulders remain down and away from your ears throughout the exercise.

By following these steps and tips, you can ensure an effective and safe Cable Triceps Pushdown.