How to perform Cable High Row with proper form


  1. Equipment: Use a cable machine with a high pulley.
  2. Attachment: Attach a wide grip bar or a V-bar to the cable.

Starting Position

  1. Adjust Weight: Select an appropriate weight on the machine.
  2. Stand/Pull: Stand facing the cable machine or sit on a bench (if applicable) with knees slightly bent.
  3. Grip: Grab the bar with both hands, palms facing each other or facing down, depending on attachment.


  1. Positioning: Lean slightly back while maintaining a straight back. Keep your chest up.
  2. Pull: Initiate the movement by pulling the bar towards your upper abdomen or chest.
  3. Elbow Path: Ensure elbows are higher than your wrists as you pull.
  4. Squeeze: At the top of the movement, squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  5. Return: Slowly extend your arms back to the starting position, maintaining control.


  • Keep your core engaged throughout the movement.
  • Avoid leaning too far back; maintain a slight angle.
  • Focus on using your back muscles rather than arms to pull the weight.
  • Perform the exercise in a fluid motion, avoiding abrupt movements.

Common Mistakes

  • Overextending the back while leaning back too far.
  • Using momentum instead of muscle strength to pull.
  • Allowing the shoulders to rise toward the ears; keep them away from the ears.


The Cable High Row effectively targets the upper back and shoulder muscles when performed with proper form. Adjust as needed and focus on technique for optimal results.