How to perform Cable Lying Bicep Curl with proper form


  1. Cable Machine: Attach a straight bar or rope handle to the low pulley of a cable machine.
  2. Bench Position: Position a flat bench parallel to the cable machine, ensuring easy access to the handle.


  1. Lie Down: Lay on your back on the bench with your head closest to the cable machine.
  2. Grip: Reach for the handle and grasp it with an underhand grip (palms facing up).
  3. Arm Position: Extend your arms fully, keeping your elbows close to your torso and resting against the bench.
  4. Curl Movement: Engage your biceps and curl the handle towards your shoulders.
  5. Controlled Motion: Keep your elbows stationary; only your forearms should move.
  6. Peak Contraction: Squeeze the biceps at the top of the movement for a second.
  7. Lowering Phase: Slowly lower the handle back to the starting position, fully extending your arms without locking your elbows.


  • Maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise.
  • Avoid swinging your body; keep the movement controlled.
  • Adjust the cable’s height and weight according to your comfort and strength level.


  • Ensure the cable is securely attached before beginning.
  • Start with a lighter weight to master the form before increasing resistance.