How to perform Cable Cable Crossover with proper form


  1. Equipment: Use a cable machine with two high pulleys.
  2. Adjust Pulleys: Set the pulleys to the highest position.


  1. Attach Handles: Secure handles to both pulleys.
  2. Stand Center: Position yourself in the middle of the machine.
  3. Grab Handles: With a slight bend in your elbows, grasp a handle in each hand.


  1. Feet Placement: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Body Posture: Keep your chest up, shoulders back, and core engaged.


  1. Starting Position: Pull the cable handles to the sides, forming a “T” shape with your arms.

  2. Movement:

    • Bring Handles Together: Slowly bring the handles in front of your chest, maintaining a slight bend in your elbows.
    • Squeeze: Focus on squeezing your chest muscles at the peak of the movement.
  3. Return: Gradually return to the starting position, ensuring control throughout.

Key Points

  • Maintain a stable core.
  • Avoid excessive lean or arching of the back.
  • Control the movement to prevent jerking or swinging.


  • Exhale while bringing handles together.
  • Inhale as you return to the starting position.

Common Mistakes

  • Allowing elbows to lock out.
  • Swinging or using momentum instead of muscle control.
  • Leaning too far forward or backward.

Follow these instructions to effectively perform the cable crossover with proper form.