How to perform Cable Seated Wide Grip Row with proper form

Starting Position

  1. Adjust the Cable Machine: Set the pulley to a low position.
  2. Attach the Bar: Use a wide grip bar attachment.
  3. Sit Down: Position yourself on the bench with your feet flat on the platform.
  4. Grip the Bar: Hold the bar with an overhand grip, your hands wider than shoulder-width apart.


  1. Posture: Sit up straight with your back neutral and chest lifted.
  2. Engage Core: Tighten your abdominal muscles to support your spine.
  3. Pull the Bar: Initiate the movement by pulling the bar towards your torso, leading with your elbows.
  4. Squeeze Shoulders: Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement.
  5. Return Slowly: Extend your arms back to the starting position in a controlled manner, avoiding momentum.


  • Maintain a slight bend in your knees throughout the exercise.
  • Avoid rounding your back or leaning too far backward.
  • Keep your shoulders down, avoiding shrugging as you pull.
  • Concentrate on a fluid motion for both pulling and returning the bar.