How to perform Smith Machine Bench Press Close Grip with proper form


  1. Machine Adjustment: Adjust the bench to ensure your body is flat and your feet are shoulder-width apart on the floor.
  2. Bar Position: Position the Smith machine bar at a height that allows you to easily reach it when lying on the bench.


  1. Hand Placement: Use a close grip, placing your hands slightly inside shoulder-width. The palms should face forward.
  2. Wrist Position: Keep your wrists straight and firmly grip the bar.


  1. Starting Position: Lie back on the bench with your eyes directly beneath the bar. Unrack the bar by straightening your arms.
  2. Lowering the Bar: Inhale and slowly lower the bar toward your lower chest, keeping your elbows close to your body. Your forearms should remain vertical.
  3. Pressing the Bar: Exhale and push the bar back up to the starting position, locking your arms at the top without overextending.


  • Keep your core engaged throughout the movement.
  • Avoid bouncing the bar off your chest; control the movement.
  • Maintain a stable back; do not arch excessively.

Common Mistakes

  • Gripping the bar too wide.
  • Letting elbows flare out excessively.
  • Not using a controlled tempo.

Safety Considerations

  • Use a spotter if you're lifting heavy.
  • Ensure the bar is secured to prevent it from moving unexpectedly.