How to perform EZ Bar Overhead Press with proper form


  1. Choose the Right EZ Bar: Select an EZ bar with comfortable grip locations.
  2. Position Yourself: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. If using a bench, sit with a straight back.


  • Hand Placement: Grip the EZ bar at the angled portions, typically shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.
  • Wrist Position: Keep wrists in a neutral position without excessive bending.

Starting Position

  • Bar Position: Raise the bar to shoulder height, elbows slightly in front of the bar, and engage your core.


  1. Press Upward: Push the bar overhead while maintaining a straight line from your wrists to your shoulders.
  2. Full Extension: Extend arms fully, but do not lock elbows at the top.
  3. Return: Lower the bar back to the starting position at shoulder level in a controlled manner.

Common Mistakes

  • Arching Back: Keep your core engaged to prevent excessive arching of the back.
  • Looking Up: Maintain a neutral spine with your gaze forward, not upward.
  • Using Momentum: Avoid using body motion to lift the bar; focus on muscle contraction.


  • Inhale: As you lower the bar.
  • Exhale: As you press the bar overhead.


  • Start with a light weight to master form before increasing resistance.
  • Maintain a steady pace throughout the movement.