How to perform Cable Hanging Leg Raise with proper form

Equipment Needed

  • Cable machine with ankle attachment or a low pulley
  • Hanging leg raise attachment (optional for added grip)

Starting Position

  1. Adjust the cable machine to a low setting and attach the ankle strap.
  2. Position yourself facing the cable machine.
  3. Secure the ankle strap around your ankles, ensuring itโ€™s snug.


  1. Initiate the Movement: Grasp a stable surface for support (e.g., the cable machine or a pull-up bar if using a different setup).
  2. Hang with Control: Let your body hang freely with legs straight down and engage your core muscles.
  3. Lift Your Legs: Bend at the hips and lift your legs upwards while keeping them straight. Aim for your legs to be parallel to the floor or higher without rounding your back.
  4. Hold: Pause for a moment at the top of the movement, focusing on squeezing your core.
  5. Lower with Control: Slowly lower your legs back to the starting position, maintaining control throughout the descent.

Tips for Proper Form

  • Keep your core tight during the entire movement to prevent swinging.
  • Avoid using momentum; focus on the muscle engagement.
  • Maintain a neutral spine; do not arch your back excessively.
  • Perform the movement in a slow and controlled manner to maximize effectiveness.

Common Mistakes

  • Swinging legs instead of lifting them with control.
  • Arching the back; ensure to keep the core engaged.
  • Allowing the knees to bend excessively.

By following these guidelines, you will effectively and safely perform the Cable Hanging Leg Raise to strengthen your core.