How to perform Cable Cable Crunch with proper form

Equipment Needed: Cable machine with a rope attachment

Starting Position:

  1. Adjust the cable pulley to the highest position.
  2. Attach the rope handle to the cable.
  3. Kneel facing the machine, grabbing the rope with both hands.
  4. Position the knees shoulder-width apart and secure your feet under a foot pad if available.


  1. Engage your core and pull the rope down so your elbows are beside your ears.
  2. Lean forward from the hips, bringing the rope towards your chest while contracting your abs.
  3. Maintain a neutral spine; avoid rounding your back.
  4. Focus on squeezing your abdominal muscles at the lowest point of the movement.


  1. Slowly extend your torso back to the starting position while controlling the weight.
  2. Do not let the weight stack touch the weight plate to maintain tension.

Key Points:

  • Keep your movements fluid; avoid jerky motions.
  • Breathe out on the crunch (downward phase) and inhale while returning to the start.
  • Ensure your elbows stay tucked in; the movement should isolate your core.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Rounding the back; maintain a flat back.
  • Using arms to pull instead of engaging the core.
  • Overextending or straining the neck; keep it aligned with the spine.