How to perform Bodyweight Wrist Roller with proper form

Objective: Strengthen wrist flexors and extensors.


  1. Equipment Setup:

    • Use a sturdy bar, beam, or gymnastic rings that can support your body weight.
    • Optionally, have a small towel or rope tied with a weight at one end to create resistance.
  2. Starting Position:

    • Grip the bar or beam with both hands, palms facing down (overhand grip).
    • Hang vertically so your arms are fully extended and body is straight.
  3. Engaging Core:

    • Tighten your core muscles to stabilize your torso.
  4. Wrist Movement:

    • Slowly roll the bar or towel up using only your wrists.
    • Keep your forearms stationary, focusing on wrist motion.
  5. Reset Position:

    • Once the weight is fully rolled up, slowly lower it back to the starting position by unwinding your wrists.
  6. Maintain Form:

    • Keep your elbows close to your body throughout the movement.
    • Avoid swinging or using momentum; maintain control.
  7. Breathing:

    • Exhale while rolling up, inhale while rolling down.


  • Start with lighter resistance to master the form.
  • If using a towel or rope, adjust the weight based on your ability.
  • Keep your movements slow and controlled for maximum effectiveness.

Common Mistakes:

  • Using your body to assist the movement rather than isolating the wrists.
  • Allowing elbows to flare out.
  • Rolling too quickly, compromising form.

With practice, this exercise can significantly improve wrist strength and stability.