How to perform Smith Machine Shrug with proper form


  1. Position the Smith Machine Bar: Set the bar at about mid-thigh level when standing.
  2. Stand Under the Bar: Position yourself under the bar so it rests comfortably on your upper traps.
  3. Grip the Bar: Use an overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width.


  1. Unrack the Bar: Stand tall, engaging your core to lift the bar off the rack.
  2. Feet Placement: Position your feet shoulder-width apart for stability.
  3. Shrug Movement:
    • Raise your shoulders towards your ears by contracting your trapezius muscles.
    • Avoid bending your elbows; keep arms straight.
  4. Hold at the Top: Briefly pause at the peak of the shrug for maximum contraction.
  5. Lower the Bar: Gradually return to the starting position by lowering your shoulders back down.


  • Maintain a Neutral Spine: Keep your back straight to avoid injury.
  • Controlled Motion: Focus on a slow, controlled movement in both directions.
  • Breathing: Exhale as you shrug up, and inhale as you lower the bar.

Common Mistakes

  • Using Too Much Weight: Prevent momentum use; select a manageable weight.
  • Rolling Shoulders: Focus on a straight up-and-down shrug rather than a rolling motion.
  • Hyperextending Neck: Keep your neck neutral to avoid strain.

Ensure safety by using a spotter if needed.