How to perform Band Shoulder Press with proper form


  1. Choose Resistance Band: Select an appropriate resistance band based on your fitness level.
  2. Position the Band: Stand on the center of the band, feet shoulder-width apart. Both ends of the band should be in your hands.

Starting Position

  1. Grip: Hold the band with palms facing forward, elbows bent at about 90 degrees.
  2. Elbows: Keep elbows in line with your shoulders, not flaring out.


  1. Press Up: Extend your arms upward, straightening at the elbows while maintaining a neutral wrist position.
  2. Full Extension: Reach your arms overhead without locking your elbows at the top.
  3. Controlled Descent: Slowly lower your arms back to the starting position, maintaining control of the band.


  • Core Engagement: Tighten your core for stability throughout the movement.
  • Breathing: Exhale as you press up, inhale while lowering.

Common Mistakes

  • Arching Back: Keep your back straight and avoid excessive arching.
  • Flared Elbows: Maintain elbows in line with shoulders to protect joints.


  • Ensure the band is securely anchored to avoid snapping.
  • Start with a lighter resistance and increase as you master the form.

By following this guide, you can perform the Band Shoulder Press effectively and safely.