How to perform Leverage Machine Squat with proper form


  1. Adjust the Machine: Set the seat height and foot platform to match your body size. Your knees should align with the pivot point when seated.
  2. Foot Position: Place your feet shoulder-width apart on the platform. You can adjust the position for targeting different muscle groups (higher for glutes, lower for quads).

Starting Position

  1. Sit Down: Sit with your back firmly against the pad and ensure your shoulders are under the shoulder pads.
  2. Engage Core: Brace your core to maintain stability throughout the movement.


  1. Grip Handles: Hold onto the machine handles for balance.
  2. Lowering Phase: Slowly bend your knees and lower your body, keeping your back straight and chest up. Go down until your thighs are parallel to the floor or slightly below.
  3. Knees Alignment: Make sure your knees do not travel past your toes to avoid strain.
  4. Ascending Phase: Push through your heels to return to the starting position, engaging your leg muscles. Ensure your back maintains contact with the pad.


  • Breathing: Inhale while lowering your body, and exhale while pushing back up.
  • Posture: Keep your back neutral and avoid rounding your shoulders.
  • Concentration: Focus on controlled movements rather than speed.


  • Weight Check: Ensure the machine is properly loaded with appropriate weights to prevent injury.
  • Spotter: If necessary, have a spotter to assist during heavy lifts.

By following these guidelines, you can safely and effectively perform the Leverage Machine Squat for optimal results.