How to perform Leverage Machine Side Hip Abductor with proper form


  1. Adjust the Seat: Sit on the machine with your back against the backrest. Adjust the seat height if necessary so that your knees are aligned with the machine's pivot point.
  2. Foot Position: Place your outer thighs against the padded levers. Ensure your feet are flat on the footrests (if applicable).


  1. Starting Position: Keep your feet flat and your core engaged. Your knees should be slightly bent, and your legs should be together.
  2. Movement: Push the levers outward by spreading your legs apart. Focus on activating your hip abductors.
  3. Control the Return: Slowly bring your legs back to the starting position, maintaining control throughout the movement.


  • Avoid Locking Knees: Keep a slight bend in your knees at all times.
  • Engage Core: Maintain a stable core to support your lower back.
  • Breath Control: Exhale as you push out, and inhale as you return to the start.
  • Range of Motion: Use a controlled range of motion to isolate the target muscles effectively.

Common Mistakes

  • Using Too Much Weight: Start light to perfect your form before increasing resistance.
  • Not Engaging the Core: This can lead to improper form and strain on the back.
  • Rushing the Movement: Focus on control rather than speed to maximize effectiveness.

With practice, this will help strengthen your hip abductors and improve lower body stability.