How to perform Leverage Machine Reverse Hyperextension with proper form


  1. Position Yourself: Sit on the reverse hyperextension machine with your hips positioned at the edge of the platform.
  2. Feet Placement: Strap your feet into the footpads or secure them under the pads, ensuring a firm grip.


  1. Starting Position: Keep your legs extended straight down towards the floor.
  2. Engagement: Engage your core and squeeze your glutes to stabilize your torso.
  3. Lift Leg: Raise your legs up towards the ceiling in a controlled motion, ensuring your hips stay pressed against the pad.
  4. Peak Contraction: Hold the top position briefly to maximize glute engagement.
  5. Lower Back: Gradually lower your legs back to the starting position, maintaining control throughout the movement.

Tips for Proper Form

  • Breathing: Exhale while lifting your legs and inhale as you lower them.
  • Avoid Swinging: Perform the movement slowly to avoid momentum and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Body Alignment: Keep your back neutral and avoid arching or rounding during the exercise.

Common Mistakes

  • Hip Rolling: Ensure your hips remain flat against the pad during movement.
  • Overextending: Don’t hyperextend your back; focus on glute engagement.


  • Strengthens the posterior chain, particularly the glutes and hamstrings.
  • Improves hip mobility and stability.

Make sure to adjust the machine settings to fit your body proportions for optimal results.