How to perform Leverage Machine Pec Deck with proper form


  1. Adjust the Seat: Sit on the machine and adjust the seat height so that the handles align with your chest level.
  2. Choose the Weight: Select an appropriate weight for your fitness level.

Starting Position

  1. Posture: Sit back against the padded support with your back flat and shoulders relaxed.
  2. Grip: Grasp the handles with your palms facing forward or inwards, depending on the machine design. Keep your elbows slightly bent.


  1. Initiate Movement: Push the handles together in a controlled manner, focusing on squeezing your chest muscles.
  2. Range of Motion: Continue until your hands are close together but avoid locking your elbows at the end of the movement.
  3. Return: Gradually release the handles back to the starting position, ensuring you maintain control throughout.

Key Points

  • Keep your feet flat on the ground and avoid arching your back.
  • Engage your core throughout the exercise to maintain stability.
  • Breathe out during the pressing phase and inhale as you return to the starting position.
  • Maintain a smooth, controlled motion without using momentum.

Common Mistakes

  • Overextending or locking the elbows.
  • Allowing the shoulders to rise or shrug.
  • Not using full range of motion.

Following these guidelines will help you effectively perform the Leverage Machine Pec Deck with proper form and reduce the risk of injury.