How to perform Leverage Machine High Row with proper form


  1. Adjust Seat Height: Ensure the seat is adjusted so that your arms can reach the handles comfortably without strain.
  2. Select Weight: Choose an appropriate weight on the machine.

Starting Position

  1. Sit Down: Sit with your back against the pad, feet flat on the ground.
  2. Grip Handles: Grasp the handles with a neutral grip (palms facing each other) or an overhand grip (palms facing down).
  3. Position Arms: Hold your arms extended while keeping a slight bend in your elbows.


  1. Engage Core: Tighten your core muscles to stabilize your torso.
  2. Pull Handles: Drive your elbows back while pulling the handles towards your upper abdomen or chest.
  3. Maintain Posture: Keep your chest up and shoulders down and back throughout the movement.
  4. Squeeze: At the end of the movement, squeeze your shoulder blades together.


  1. Control Movement: Slowly extend your arms back to the starting position, maintaining control without letting the weights rest completely.
  2. Avoid Locking Elbows: Ensure that your elbows don't lock out fully at the bottom; keep a slight bend.


  • Breathing: Inhale during the controlled return phase; exhale when pulling the handles.
  • Focus on Muscle: Concentrate on using your back muscles rather than your arms.
  • Avoid Momentum: Ensure all movements are smooth and controlled, avoiding any swinging motions.