How to perform Dumbbell Straight Leg Deadlift with proper form


  1. Starting Position: Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Let the weights hang in front of your thighs, palms facing your body.


  1. Hinge at the Hips: Keeping your knees slightly bent, push your hips back while lowering the dumbbells along the front of your legs. Maintain a flat back throughout the motion.

  2. Lowering the Dumbbells: Allow the dumbbells to descend to just below your knees or as far as your hamstrings allow without rounding your back.

  3. Core Engagement: Keep your core tight to support your spine.

  4. Return to Start: Drive through your heels, pushing your hips forward as you rise back to standing. Squeeze your glutes at the top.


  • Back Position: Maintain a straight back; avoid rounding your shoulders.
  • Neck Alignment: Keep your head in a neutral position, looking forward or slightly down.
  • Breathing: Inhale while lowering the dumbbells, and exhale while returning to standing.

Common Mistakes

  • Rounding the back when lowering or lifting.
  • Overextending the knees.
  • Lifting weights that are too heavy, leading to compromised form.

By following these steps, you'll effectively perform the Dumbbell Straight Leg Deadlift while minimizing injury risk and maximizing effectiveness.