How to perform Bodyweight Single Leg Glute Bridge On Bench with proper form


  1. Identify a Bench: Find a stable bench or elevated surface.
  2. Position Yourself: Sit on the ground in front of the bench, and place your upper back against the edge of the bench.


  1. Foot Placement: Extend one leg straight ahead. Place the heel of the other foot on the bench.
  2. Hand Position: Keep your arms at your sides for stability or place them on your hips.
  3. Engage Core: Tighten your abdominal muscles to maintain stability.
  4. Lift Hips: Press through the heel on the bench while lifting your hips upward. Your shoulders, hips, and knee should form a straight line at the top.
  5. Hold This Position: Briefly pause at the top for maximum glute engagement.
  6. Return to Start: Lower your hips back down until your glutes touch the floor. Maintain control during the descent.

Tips for Proper Form

  • Alignment: Keep your knee aligned with your ankle and not let it collapse inward.
  • Keep Your Core Tight: This helps in maintaining balance and stability.
  • Focus on the Glutes: Ensure the motion is driven by your glutes, not your lower back.
  • Breathing: Inhale as you lower down and exhale as you lift up.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Not fully extending the lifted leg.
  • Letting the hips sag or overextend during the movement.
  • Using momentum instead of controlled movement.

By following these steps, you'll effectively target your glutes while improving balance and stability.