How to perform Barbell Good Morning with proper form


  1. Barbell Position: Place the barbell on your upper traps (similar to a back squat).
  2. Feet: Stand shoulder-width apart with your feet firmly planted.


  1. Engage Core: Brace your core to protect your lower back.
  2. Hip Hinge: Hinge at the hips, pushing your glutes back while keeping a slight bend in the knees.
  3. Maintain Neutral Spine: Keep your back straight and head aligned with your spine. Avoid rounding or arching your back.
  4. Depth: Lower your torso until itโ€™s parallel to the ground or as far as your flexibility allows without losing form.
  5. Return: Reverse the movement by driving through your hips, keeping your back straight, and returning to the starting position.


  • Focus on Control: Move slowly and with control to avoid injury.
  • Breathing: Inhale as you lower, exhale as you return to standing.
  • Footwear: Use flat shoes or go barefoot for better stability.

Common Mistakes

  • Rounding the Back: Keep your spine neutral to avoid injury.
  • Excessive Knee Bend: Focus on hinging at the hips rather than bending the knees too much.
  • Looking Up or Down: Keep your head in line with your spine.

Following these guidelines will help ensure a safe and effective Barbell Good Morning exercise.