How to perform Band Lying Leg Curl with proper form


  1. Equipment: Use a resistance band and a flat surface or mat.
  2. Anchor Band: Secure one end of the resistance band to a stable object, ensuring it's anchored low to the ground.
  3. Positioning: Lie face down on the mat, with the anchored band behind your ankles.


  1. Initial Position: Keep your legs extended straight behind you, with your knees aligned and your hips pressed into the mat.
  2. Engage Core: Tighten your core to stabilize your body.
  3. Curl Motion: Flex your knees to bring your heels towards your glutes. Keep your hips down and avoid lifting your torso.
  4. Peak Contraction: Hold the contraction momentarily when your heels are near your glutes.
  5. Lowering Phase: Slowly extend your legs back to the starting position, maintaining control and tension in the band.

Tips for Proper Form

  • Breathing: Exhale during the curl and inhale while extending.
  • Avoid Jerking: Move smoothly to prevent injury.
  • Focus: Concentrate on using your hamstrings to control the movement.

Common Mistakes

  • Lifting hips off the mat.
  • Using momentum rather than muscle strength.
  • Allowing the band to go slack during the exercise.

By following these steps, you can perform the Band Lying Leg Curl effectively and safely.