Web Editor

This tool allows you to quickly build your weightlifting programs, ensure you have proper weekly volume per muscle group, and balance it with the time you spend in a gym. You can build multi-week programs, plan your mesocycles, deload weeks, testing 1RM weeks, and see the weekly undulation of volume and intensity of each exercise on a graph.

Set the program name, create weeks and days, type the list of exercises for each day, putting each exercise on a new line, along with the number of sets and reps after slash (

) character, like this:

Squat / 3x3-5 Romanian Deadlift / 3x8

Autocomplete will help you with the exercise names. You can also create custom exercises if they're missing in the library.

On the right you'll see Weekly Stats, where you can see the number of sets per week per muscle group, whether you're in the recommended range (indicated by color), strength/hypertrophy split, and if you hover a mouse over the numbers - you'll see what exercises contribute to that number, and how much.

The exercise syntax supports RPEs , percentage of 1RM, rest timers, various progressive overload types, etc. Read more about the features in the docs!

When you're done, you can convert this program to Liftosaur program, and run what you planned in the gym, using the Liftosaur app!

To use this program:
  • Install Liftosaur app
  • Copy the link to this program by clicking on below
  • Import the link in the app, on the Choose Program screen.
Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play

Deadlift / 1x5+ / progress: custom(failCount: 0) {~
if (completedReps < reps) {
state.failCount += 1;
if (state.failCount >= 3) {
weights *= 0.9;
state.failCount = 0;
} else {
state.failCount = 0;
weights += 5kg;
Pullover, Dumbbell / 3x8-12 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 12)
Incline Row, Dumbbell / 3x8-12 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 12)
Face Pull, Cable / 4x10-12 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 10, 12)
Hammer Curl / 4x8-12 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 12)
Bicep Curl, EZ Bar / 4x8-12 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 12)

Bench Press / 4x5, 1x5+ / progress: custom(failCount: 0) {~
if (completedReps < reps) {
state.failCount += 1;
if (state.failCount >= 3) {
weights *= 0.9;
state.failCount = 0;
} else {
state.failCount = 0;
weights += 2.5kg;
Overhead Press / 3x10 / progress: custom(failCount: 0) {~
if (completedReps < reps) {
state.failCount += 1;
if (state.failCount >= 3) {
weights *= 0.9;
state.failCount = 0;
} else {
state.failCount = 0;
weights += 2.5kg;
Incline Bench Press, Dumbbell / 3x8-12 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 12)
Triceps Pushdown / 3x8-12 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 12)
Skullcrusher, EZ Bar / 3x8-12 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 12)
Lateral Raise / 6x12-14 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 12, 14)

Squat / 2x5, 1x5+ / progress: custom(failCount: 0) {~
if (completedReps < reps) {
state.failCount += 1;
if (state.failCount >= 3) {
weights *= 0.9;
state.failCount = 0;
} else {
state.failCount = 0;
weights += 2.5kg;
Romanian Deadlift, Barbell / 3x8-12 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 12)
Leg Press / 3x8-12 / progress: dp(5kg, 8, 12)
Seated Leg Curl / 3x8-12 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 12)
Hack Squat, Smith Machine / 3x8-12 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 12)

Bent Over Row / 4x5, 1x5+ / progress: custom(failCount: 0) {~
if (completedReps < reps) {
state.failCount += 1;
if (state.failCount >= 3) {
weights *= 0.9;
state.failCount = 0;
} else {
state.failCount = 0;
weights += 2.5kg;
Overhead Press / 4x5, 1x5+ / progress: custom(failCount: 0) {~
if (completedReps < reps) {
state.failCount += 1;
if (state.failCount >= 3) {
weights *= 0.9;
state.failCount = 0;
} else {
state.failCount = 0;
weights += 2.5kg;
Bench Press / 3x10 / progress: custom(failCount: 0) {~
if (completedReps < reps) {
state.failCount += 1;
if (state.failCount >= 3) {
weights *= 0.9;
state.failCount = 0;
} else {
state.failCount = 0;
weights += 2.5kg;

Zercher Squat, Barbell / 2x5, 1x5+ / progress: custom(failCount: 0) {~
if (completedReps < reps) {
state.failCount += 1;
if (state.failCount >= 3) {
weights *= 0.9;
state.failCount = 0;
} else {
state.failCount = 0;
weights += 2.5kg;
Good Morning, Barbell / 3x8-12 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 12)
Hip Thrust, Barbell / 3x8-12 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 12)
Bulgarian Split Squat, Dumbbell / 2x8-12 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 12)
Standing Calf Raise / 5x8-12 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 12)

Week Stats

Total Sets: 97
Strength Sets: 22, 23%
Hypertrophy Sets: 75, 77%
Upper Sets: 65 (15s, 50h), 3d
Lower Sets: 32 (7s, 25h), 3d
Core Sets: 0
Push Sets: 35 (10s, 25h), 2d
Pull Sets: 31 (6s, 25h), 2d
Legs Sets: 31 (6s, 25h), 2d
Shoulders: 33↓ (10s, 23h), 3d
Triceps: 21↓ (5s, 16h), 3d
Back: 22↓ (8s, 14h), 3d
Abs: 5↑ (2s, 3h), 3d
Glutes: 23↓ (7s, 16h), 3d
Hamstrings: 19↓ (4s, 15h), 3d
Quadriceps: 18↓ (7s, 11h), 3d
Chest: 23↓ (8s, 15h), 3d
Biceps: 20↓ (3s, 17h), 2d
Calves: 16↓ (4s, 12h), 3d
Forearms: 16↓ (3s, 13h), 2d