This tool allows you to quickly build your weightlifting programs, ensure you have proper weekly volume per muscle group, and balance it with the time you spend in a gym. You can build multi-week programs, plan your mesocycles, deload weeks, testing 1RM weeks, and see the weekly undulation of volume and intensity of each exercise on a graph.
Set the program name, create weeks and days, type the list of exercises for each day, putting each exercise on a new line, along with the number of sets and reps after slash (
) character, like this:
Squat /3x3-5
Romanian Deadlift /3x8
Autocomplete will help you with the exercise names. You can also create custom exercises if they're missing in the library.
On the right you'll see Weekly Stats, where you can see the number of sets per week per muscle group, whether you're in the recommended range (indicated by color), strength/hypertrophy split, and if you hover a mouse over the numbers - you'll see what exercises contribute to that number, and how much.
The exercise syntax supports RPEs , percentage of 1RM, rest timers, various progressive overload types, etc. Read more about the features in the docs!
When you're done, you can convert this program to Liftosaur program, and run what you planned in the gym, using the Liftosaur app!
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Copy the link to this program by clicking on below
Import the link in the app, on the Choose Program screen.
Day Description (Markdown)
We are doing supersets for arms today for maximal pump. We will do 3 different
combinations. We will be doing supersetting every Monday throughout the arm block!
// Do plenty of warm ups to get your elbows greased up. I want sets of 8 on the dumbell curls with your palms facing up the whole time and sets of 10 on the pushdowns. On the pushdowns, I want you to use thesingle handles that allow for freedom of wrist rotation. Do 4 rounds.
// Do 4 good hard sets of 8 here after a good warm
Supinated Pulldown, Single Arm /4x8/75.96%/@9/warmup: 2x1050%/progress: dp(5kg, 8, 10)
// Something I used to do a lot of and I enjoyed was doing rack pulls right after the supinated pulldowns. It always felt like my lower lats got great stimulation from this. Do these rest pause style, and pull from midshin. I also want you to flex your lats hard, and THEN start the rep. I want you to think lat tension in your head on every rep. Do 4 sets of 6 her
Rack pull /4x6/81.24%/@9/progress: lp(10kg)
// Ok now let’s get back to upper lats. Use an assist machine if you like. I do. Do 4 sets of 8 or so reps. Remember- perfect form here!
Chin Up /4x8/75.96%/@9/progress: dp(2kg, 8, 10)
// Finish by working these hard. I want your upper lats trashed ok. Don’t slack here. The last rep of every set should be extremely tough. Flex your lats hard throughout the entire pull back over you. Do 4 sets of 8.
Pullover /4x8/78.6%/@10/progress: dp(5kg, 8, 10)
// want you to literally sit down with an ez curl bar and do curls. It’s obviously on the top half of the rep, but I want 4 sets of 15 here.
Seated Ez bar curls /4x15/57.46%/@9/progress: dp(5kg, 15, 18)
// Ok now do 4 good sets of 8 here flexing hard at the top of every rep.
// I am moving to some standard bench press work here, and this will also give you a little more indirect tricep work to blow up your arms. Do 5 sets of 5. Make note of the RPE for these reps.
Bench Press, Smith Machine /5x5/81.24%/@8/progress: lp(5kg)
// Do 3 set of 8 here, and then on the 4th set do 8 and then drop the weight down and go to failure but don’t drop the dumbells, let them stretch you for 10 seconds as shown in the video below.
// Do a few warm up sets and then simple straight sets. Do 4 sets of 15. This is a lot of total reps. You should have a very good pump pretty quickly
Lying Leg Curl /4x15/57.46%/@9/warmup: 2x1550%/progress: dp(5kg, 15, 18)
// Let’s knock out some big-time squats here. Do sets of 8 all the way up until you can barely get 8. We will call this 3 total work sets.
Squat, Smith Machine /3x8/73.31%/@8/progress: lp(5kg)
// Do a couple warmups and then do 3 sets of 15 here on each leg. Get a nice deep stretch on glute. I like to put an aerobic step bench under my lead leg to give me more stretch. Start the lift by flexing your glutes. These will hammer your glutes if done right.
Leg Extension /3x15/57.46%/@9
// Do 1-2 feeder sets to get up to a moderate weight and do 3 sets of 30 with it. Rest 2 minutes between sets. That was not a typo
Pivot leg press /3x30/50%/@9/120s
// Do 3 sets of 8 here. These are brutal, my favorite stifflegged version.
Stiff Leg Deadlift, Dumbbell /3x8/75.96%/@9/progress: dp(5kg, 8, 10)
// This is the triset where you do 10 reps, and then hold at the top for 10 seconds, repeating 2 more times until you have done 30 reps and 3 holds at the top. I want you to do 4 rounds.
Calf Press on Leg Press /4x10/73.31%/@11/progress: sum(40, 5kg)
Day Description (Markdown)
We are doing supersets for arms on Saturdays also for maximal pump. We will do 3
different combinations
// Do plenty of warm ups to get your elbows greased up. I want sets of 8 on the EZ bar curls and sets of 15 on the pushdowns. On the pushdowns, I want you to use the single handles that allow for freedom of wrist rotation. Do 4 rounds.
Bicep Curl, EZ Bar /4x8/75.96%/@9/warmup: 2x1050%/progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 10)
Triceps Pushdown /4x15/57.46%/@9
// Do sets of 8 on the curls squeezing the dumbells hard, and then sets of 8 on the kickbacks.
// Do sets of 8 on the preacher curls, and then do sets to failure on the pushups. Preacher Curl, Leverage Machine / 4x8 @9
Preacher Curl, Leverage Machine /4x8/75.96%/@9
Push Up /4x8+/78.6%/@10
Hanging Leg Raise /4x10+/73.31%
Week Stats
Total Sets: 133
Strength Sets: 9, 7%
Hypertrophy Sets: 124, 93%
Upper Sets:64 (5s, 59h), 4d
Lower Sets:23 (23h), 2d
Core Sets:4 (4h), 1d
Push Sets:32 (5s, 27h), 2d
Pull Sets:32 (32h), 3d
Legs Sets:23 (23h), 2d
Shoulders:22↓ (3s, 20h), 4d
Triceps:36↓ (3s, 33h), 4d
Back:22↓ (4s, 18h), 3d
Abs:7↑ (7h), 2d
Glutes:10↑ (10h), 2d
Hamstrings:9↑ (9h), 1d
Quadriceps:13↓ (13h), 2d
Chest:24↓ (5s, 19h), 3d
Biceps:34↓ (34h), 3d
Calves:14↓ (14h), 2d
Forearms:16↓ (16h), 3d
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I want sets of 8 on the dumbell curls with your palms facing up the whole time and sets of 10 on the pushdowns. On the pushdowns, I want you to use thesingle handles that allow for freedom of wrist rotation. Do 4 rounds.\nSeated Dumbbell Curl / 4x9 / 75.96% / @9 / warmup: 2x8 50% / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 10)\nTricep Pushdown, Single Handle / 4x11 / 70.67% / @9 / progress: dp(5kg, 10, 12)\n// Do sets of 10 on the hammer curls squeezing the dumbells hard, and then on the extension, use the single handles again.\nHammer Curl / 4x11 / 70.67% / @9 / warmup: 2x10 50% / progress: dp(2.5kg, 10, 12)\nBent Over Tricep Extension, Single Handle / 4x11 / 70.67% / @9 / progress: dp(5kg, 10, 12)\n// Do sets of 10 on the barbell curls, and then do sets of 10 on the lying extensions! Your arms should be jacked now!\nBicep Curl, Barbell / 4x11 / 70.67% / @9 / progress: dp(5kg, 10, 12)\nLying Extension, Skullcrusher / 4x11 / 70.67% / @9 / progress: dp(2lb, 10, 12)\n// Pyramid up to a tough 10 and stay there and do 6 sets. Remember to focus on the stretch\nStanding Calf Raise / 6x10 / 16kg / @10 / warmup: none / progress: sum(60, 5kg)","description":"We are doing supersets for arms today for maximal pump. We will do 3 different\ncombinations. We will be doing supersetting every Monday throughout the arm block!"},{"name":"Back","exerciseText":"// Do 4 good hard sets of 8 here after a good warm\nSupinated Pulldown, Single Arm / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9 / warmup: 2x10 50% / progress: dp(5kg, 8, 10)\n// Something I used to do a lot of and I enjoyed was doing rack pulls right after the supinated pulldowns. It always felt like my lower lats got great stimulation from this. Do these rest pause style, and pull from midshin. I also want you to flex your lats hard, and THEN start the rep. I want you to think lat tension in your head on every rep. Do 4 sets of 6 her\nRack pull / 4x6 / 81.24% / @9 / progress: lp(10kg)\n// Ok now let’s get back to upper lats. Use an assist machine if you like. I do. Do 4 sets of 8 or so reps. Remember- perfect form here!\nChin Up / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9 / progress: dp(2kg, 8, 10)\n// Finish by working these hard. I want your upper lats trashed ok. Don’t slack here. The last rep of every set should be extremely tough. Flex your lats hard throughout the entire pull back over you. Do 4 sets of 8.\nPullover / 4x8 / 78.6% / @10 / progress: dp(5kg, 8, 10)\n// want you to literally sit down with an ez curl bar and do curls. It’s obviously on the top half of the rep, but I want 4 sets of 15 here.\nSeated Ez bar curls / 4x15 / 57.46% / @9 / progress: dp(5kg, 15, 18)\n// Ok now do 4 good sets of 8 here flexing hard at the top of every rep.\nPreacher Curl, Leverage Machine / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 10)","description":""},{"name":"Chest","exerciseText":"// Get to a tough weight here and do 3 sets of 8 with it. The 8th rep should be very hard, but you should be able complete it with perfect form.\nMachine press / 3x8 / 75.96% / @9 / progress: dp(5kg, 8, 10)\n// I am moving to some standard bench press work here, and this will also give you a little more indirect tricep work to blow up your arms. Do 5 sets of 5. Make note of the RPE for these reps.\nBench Press, Smith Machine / 5x5 / 81.24% / @8 / progress: lp(5kg)\n// Do 3 set of 8 here, and then on the 4th set do 8 and then drop the weight down and go to failure but don’t drop the dumbells, let them stretch you for 10 seconds as shown in the video below.\nBench Press, Dumbbell / 3x8, 1x8+ / 78.6% / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 10)\n// Do 3 sets to failure here. I use the assist machine to ensure perfect form.\nBench Dip / 3x10+ / 73.31% / progress: sum(30, 2.5kg)\n// We did a lot of heavy work that stresses shoulders, and we need to get to your focus area, triceps, so we move quick on our delt work\nLateral Raise / 4x8 / 73.31% / @8 / 30s / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 10)\n// Do 4 sets of 12 with 30 second breaks.\nBent over Dumbell side laterals / 4x12 / 62.74% / @8 / 30s / progress: dp(2.5kg, 12, 15)\n// Sit on a bench and do rope extensions like in the video below. Your elbows are more than warmed up enough at this point. Do 4 sets of 10.\nOverhead Triceps extention / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9 / progress: dp(5kg, 10, 12)\n// No need to worry about elbow issues doing these at this point! Do 4 sets of 8.\nTriceps Pushdown / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9 / progress: dp(5kg, 8, 10)"},{"name":"Legs","exerciseText":"// Do a few warm up sets and then simple straight sets. Do 4 sets of 15. This is a lot of total reps. You should have a very good pump pretty quickly\nLying Leg Curl / 4x15 / 57.46% / @9 / warmup: 2x15 50% / progress: dp(5kg, 15, 18)\n// Let’s knock out some big-time squats here. Do sets of 8 all the way up until you can barely get 8. We will call this 3 total work sets.\nSquat, Smith Machine / 3x8 / 73.31% / @8 / progress: lp(5kg)\n// Do a couple warmups and then do 3 sets of 15 here on each leg. Get a nice deep stretch on glute. I like to put an aerobic step bench under my lead leg to give me more stretch. Start the lift by flexing your glutes. These will hammer your glutes if done right.\nLeg Extension / 3x15 / 57.46% / @9\n// Do 1-2 feeder sets to get up to a moderate weight and do 3 sets of 30 with it. Rest 2 minutes between sets. That was not a typo\nPivot leg press / 3x30 / 50% / @9 / 120s\n// Do 3 sets of 8 here. These are brutal, my favorite stifflegged version.\nStiff Leg Deadlift, Dumbbell / 3x8 / 75.96% / @9 / progress: dp(5kg, 8, 10)\n// This is the triset where you do 10 reps, and then hold at the top for 10 seconds, repeating 2 more times until you have done 30 reps and 3 holds at the top. I want you to do 4 rounds.\nCalf Press on Leg Press / 4x10 / 73.31% / @11 / progress: sum(40, 5kg)"},{"name":"Biceps and Triceps","exerciseText":"// Do plenty of warm ups to get your elbows greased up. I want sets of 8 on the EZ bar curls and sets of 15 on the pushdowns. On the pushdowns, I want you to use the single handles that allow for freedom of wrist rotation. Do 4 rounds.\nBicep Curl, EZ Bar / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9 / warmup: 2x10 50% / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 10)\nTriceps Pushdown / 4x15 / 57.46% / @9\n// Do sets of 8 on the curls squeezing the dumbells hard, and then sets of 8 on the kickbacks.\nIncline Curl / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 10)\nCable Kickback / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9 / progress: dp(5kg, 8, 10)\n// Do sets of 8 on the preacher curls, and then do sets to failure on the pushups. Preacher Curl, Leverage Machine / 4x8 @9\nPreacher Curl, Leverage Machine / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9\nPush Up / 4x8+ / 78.6% / @10\nHanging Leg Raise / 4x10+ / 73.31%","description":"We are doing supersets for arms on Saturdays also for maximal pump. We will do 3\ndifferent combinations"}]},{"name":"WEEK 2","days":[{"name":"Biceps and Triceps","exerciseText":"// Do plenty of warm ups to get your elbows greased up. I want sets of 8 on the hammer curls and sets of 12 on the pushdowns. Pay really close attention to video below for the tricep exercise. Note where the arms are pinned against the side to isolate tris. Do 4 rounds\nHammer Curl / 4x9 / 75.96% / @9 / warmup: 2x10 50%\nTriceps Pushdown, dual rope / 4x12 / 65.39% / @9 / progress: dp(5kg, 12, 15)\n// We are going old school here. Do 8 curls and then place your feet on a bench and do bench dips. If you can add weight and still get 10, please do. I want you to get hard sets of 10 on the bench dips\nBicep Curl, Barbell / 4x9 / 75.96% / @9\nBench Dip / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9\n// Do sets of 8 on the preach curl and sets of 10 on the skullcrushers. I attached a video below so you can see form on the tricep exercise.\nPreacher Curl, Leverage Machine / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9\nSkullcrusher, Barbell / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9 / progress: dp(5kg, 10, 12)\nCalf Press on Leg Press / 6x8 / 75.96% / @9"},{"name":"Back","exerciseText":"// Parallel grip pulldowns – Do 4 good hard sets of 10 here after a good warm up. In the video below note the bar Fouad is using. That is what I want you to use. Drive the bar down as close to your chest as possible and squeeze hard!\nParallel grip pulldowns / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9 / warmup: 2x10 50% / progress: dp(5kg, 10, 12)\n// Lets keep up with the rack pulls but bump your reps a bit. This should give you an even better pump if you are really locking your lats in and flexing them hard throughout the set. I want these done rest pause style. Do 3 hard sets of 8.\nRack pull / 3x8 / 75.96% / @9\n// Back to chins now, to rest lower back if it fatigued. Use a pronated grip thistime, as we used the parallel grip on the first exercise. Hit 4 sets of 8 here.\nChin Up / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9\n// Ok these should be brutal. I want 4 hard sets of 8 here. I want these to be heavy!\nBent Over Row, Dumbbell / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9 / progress: dp(5kg, 8, 10)\n// Cable curls – Your arms should be warmed up after the heavy rows! Do 4 sets of 8 here, but I want a 3 second decent on each rep. Lower it slow, feel the burn!\nBicep Curl, Cable / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9 / progress: dp(5kg, 8, 10)\n// Ok now do 4 good sets of 8 here flexing hard at the top of every rep. Feel the stretch at the bottom too. See the video below for a form refresher.\nIncline hammer curl / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9 / progress: dp(2.5kg, 8, 10)\n// Incline sit ups – Do 4 sets to failure here.\nSit Up / 4x10+ / 73.31% / @10"},{"name":"Chest","exerciseText":"// Get to a tough weight here and do 3 sets of 8 with it. The 8th rep should be very hard, but you should be able complete it with perfect form. We will count this as 3 work sets. Remember not to go up to fast or you’ll cheat yourself ou of some volume.\nBench Press, Dumbbell / 3x8 / 75.96% / @9\n// Flat barbell press – Let’s keep to the standard bench press work here for one more week, and again this will also give you a little more indirect tricep work to blow up your arms. Do 4 sets of 8. Make note of the RPE for these reps.\nBench Press, Smith Machine / 4x8 / 73.31% / @8\n// Do 3 set of 10 here. Flex your pecs hard upon contraction and try to get a nice stretch on each rep as well\nChest Fly, Leverage Machine / 3x10 / 70.67% / @9 / progress: dp(5kg, 10, 12)\n// Do 3 sets to failure here. I use the assist machine to ensure perfect form.\nChest Dip / 3x10+ / 73.31% / @10\n// Do 4 sets of 10 one arm at a time. Do one arm, and then theother, and then go back, so nonstop until the 4 sets are done.\nLateral Raise, Cable / 4x10 / 68.03% / @8 / progress: dp(5kg, 10, 12)\n// Do 4 sets of 12 with 60 second breaks.\nBent over Dumbell side laterals / 4x15 / 50% / @8 / 60s\n// See below for form. I want to 10 full reps and then then 10 partials as shown in the video (from stretched position). Do 4 sets like this\nOverhead Triceps extention / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\n// Lets finish with our bread and butter here. Do hard sets of 8.\nPushdowns with single handles / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9"},{"name":"Legs","exerciseText":"// Do a few warm up sets and then knock out 3 sets of 10 with a good weight. I want you to do a 4th set where you do 10, drop the weight for 8 more, and then drop the weight for 8 more, followed by a 30 second isohold\nLying Leg Curl / 3x10, 1x10+ / 70.67% / @9 / warmup: 2x15 50%\n// Same thing this week, but now let’s hit sets of 10. If you can do the same weight as last week, but get 10, you arr in business! We will call this 3 total work sets.\nSquat, Smith Machine / 3x10 / 70.67% / @9\n// Grab some light dumbells and walk until you drop. You are only doing1 set so you have to give this your all. Do these slow to as your quads will be pumped so the stretch will feel great.\nLunge, Dumbbell / 1x1 / 100% / @10\n// Do 3 sets of 8 here. These are brutal, my favorite stiff legged version.\nStiff Leg Deadlift, Dumbbell / 3x8 / 75.96% / @9\n// This is the triset where you do 10 reps, and then hold at thetop for 10 seconds, repeating 2 more times until you have done 30 reps and 3 holds at the top. I want you to do 4 rounds.\ncalf raise, pivot leg press / 4x15 / 57.46% / @9"},{"name":"Biceps and Triceps","exerciseText":"// Do plenty of warm ups to get your elbows greased up. I want sets of 15 on the EZ bar curls and sets of 20 on the pushdowns. On the pushdowns, I want you to use the single handles that allow for freedom of wrist rotation. Do 4 rounds.\nBicep Curl, EZ Bar / 4x15 / 57.46% / @9 / warmup: 2x10 50%\nTriceps Pushdown, Cable single hand / 4x20 / 50% / @9\n// Do sets of 15 on the curls squeezing hard, and then sets of 15 on the kickbacks.\nBicep Curl, Cable / 4x15 / 57.46% / @9\nCable Kickback / 4x15 / 57.46% / @9\nPreacher Curl / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9\nOverhead Triceps extention / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\nHanging Leg Raise / 4x10+ / 73.31% / @10","description":"We are doing supersets for arms on Saturdays also for maximal pump. We will do\n3 different combinations."}],"description":"We are doing supersets for arms today for maximal pump. We will do 3 different\ncombinations. We will be doing supersetting every Monday throughout the arm\nblock!"},{"name":"Week 3","days":[{"name":"Biceps and Triceps","exerciseText":"// Do plenty of warm ups to get your elbows greased up. Grab the bar at the wide bend and nail 10 reps, regrip on the narrow handles and give me 10 more reps with the same weight. This will get the blood flowing fast. Do 4 rounds.\nStanding EZ bar curls wide grip / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\nStanding EZ bar curls narrow grip / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\n//Take a set of dumbells over to the cable station and give me 8 hammer curls, doing both arms at the same time. Superset this with rope pushdowns in the 15 rep range. Your arms will look massive after 4 rounds of this.\nHammer Curl / 4x16 / 57.46% / @9 / warmup: 2x10 50%\nTriceps Pushdown, dual rope / 4x15 / 57.46% / @9\nOverhead Triceps extention / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\nSkullcrusher / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\n// Pyramid up to a tough 10 and stay there and do 6 sets. Remember to focus on the stretch.\nCalf Press on Leg Press / 6x10 / 73.31% / @10","description":"Sticking with supersets but mixing how we order it up to give your arms some\nnew stimulus"},{"name":"Back","exerciseText":"// I cannot stress the importance of using straps doing this arm block enough!! The goal is to keep the biceps out of all the back movements as much as possible. I need 4 sets of 10 once you find your working weight here\nBent Over Row, Smith Machine / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\n// Lets keep up with the rack pulls but lower the pins one hole for an increased range of motion this week. This should give you an even better pump if you are really locking your lats in and flexing them hard throughout the set. I want these done rest pause style. Do 3 hard sets of 8.\nRack pull / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9\n// Seated cable rows – Use the d-handles here so when you drive the weight back towards your body you can pull them apart. Lock your lock back in stone and just pump blood in the lats today. 4 sets of 10 reps here.\nSeated Row / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\n// Dumbell pullovers – I want your biceps fresh and a stretch in those lats, so let’s hit some pullovers. Same from as always, big arch, keep your elbows in a fixed position and just pull with your lats. 4 sets of 10 here as well!\nPullover / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\n//Cable reverse curls – I want to get right into burning these babies up. 4 sets of 15!\nReverse Curl, Cable / 4x15 / 57.46% / @9\n// Preacher curl – Ok now do 4 good sets of 8 here flexing hard at the top of every rep. Feel the stretch at the bottom, but don’t go super deep.\nPreacher Curl, Leverage Machine / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9\nHanging Leg Raise / 4x10+ / 73.31% / @10"},{"name":"Chest","exerciseText":"//Get to a tough weight here and do 3 sets of 8 with it. The 8threp should be very hard, but you should be able complete it with perfect form. We will count this as 3 work sets. Remember not to go up to fast or you’ll cheat yourself out of some volume. Another keep factor is NOT locking out. We are on the arm block and want to minimize tricep involvement as much as possible on pressing movements.\nIncline Bench Press, Dumbbell / 3x8 / 75.96% / @9\nIncline Bench Press, Smith Machine / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9\nChest Fly / 3x10 / 70.67% / @9\nChest Fly, Leverage Machine / 3x12 / 65.39% / @9\n// 4 sets of 12 here with a moderate weight. Think out with the dumbells, not up! This will help minimize trap recruitment.\nLateral Raise / 4x12 / 65.39% / @9\n// Reverse pec-deck flyes – Do 4 sets of 25 with 30 second breaks. This may sting a little bit.\nReverse Fly, Leverage Machine / 4x25 / 50% / @9 / 30s\nTriceps Pushdown, dual rope / 4x12 / 68.03% / @11\nTriceps Dip / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9"},{"name":"Legs","exerciseText":"//Do a few warm up sets and then give me 4 sets of this triple drop set. So, its 6 reps, drop the weight, 6 reps, drop the weight and 6 more reps. That’s one set, I want 4 of those. This should allow you to use some heavy weight, do it! But don’t get to swinging the weight and using your low back.\n// This is the triset where you do 10 reps,\n// and then hold at the top for 10 seconds,\n// repeating 2 more times until you have done\n// 30 reps and 3 holds at the top. I want you\n// to do 4 rounds\nLying Leg Curl / 4+x6+ / 81.24% / @9 / warmup: 2x15 50%\n//We squatted 2 different ways last week, so we are going to kick off with some hard leg press to start quads. I want you to use a hip width stance and your toes slightly out. Sink these down with your knees coming outside of your ribs. This should feel great once your hips get warmed up. Just do sets of 10 till you miss 10. Only jump one plate per side because I want some volume even though we will only count your final 3 sets as work.\nPivot leg press / 3x10 / 70.67% / @9\n// Give me 2 feel sets to get into the grove of the exercise and to find your right weight. I want your feet as medium to low on the platform with a shoulder width stance. Then I need 3 HARD grinder sets of 20 reps. If you have to stop and couple times mid-set, that’s fine. I don’t want ultra-light weight here. Push yourself\nHack Squat, Machine / 3x20 / 50% / @9\nHip Adductor / 3x10 / 70.67% / @9\n// Do 3 sets of 10 here. Come all the way up and squeeze your glutes on every rep.\nStiff Leg Deadlift, Dumbbell / 3x10 / 70.67% / @9\n// Same triset as last week where you do 10 reps, and then hold at the top for 10 seconds, repeating 2 more times until you have done 30 reps and 3 holds at the top. I want you to do 4 rounds.\nStanding Calf Raise, Smith Machine / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9"},{"name":"Biceps and Triceps","exerciseText":"// Rope pushdown and overhead rope extensions – Do plenty of warm ups to get your elbows greased up. I want a hard 12 reps on the rope pushdown where you stand tall. Then simply just bend over at the waist and bang out 12 reps of overhead rope extensions. This pump is unreal and one of my favorites. Work the contraction on the pushdown and then the stretch on the extensions. Do 4 rounds.\nTriceps Pushdown, dual rope / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\nOverhead Triceps extention / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\n// E-Z bar skull crushers and dumbbell curls – Now that you have a huge pump its onto skull crushers. Really push here to get all you can out of your ticeps. Stay in the 12 rep range for these. Then stand up, grab some dumbells and do curls. Keep your palms up the entire time and use 3 second negatives. Do sets of 8 reps on the curls for 4\nBicep Curl / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9\nSkullcrusher / 4x12 / 65.39% / @9\n// Dumbell incline concentration curls and hammer curls – Do sets of 8 on the incline curls, watch my form in the video. Ram those dumbells together hard and squeeze every rep. Then just stand up and give me dumbbell hammer curls for 15 reps. Do both arms at the same time and create tons of tension.\nIncline Curl / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9\nHammer Curl / 4x16 / 57.46% / @9 / warmup: 2x10 50%\nHanging Leg Raise / 4x10+ / 73.31%"}]},{"name":"Week 4","days":[{"name":"Biceps and Triceps","exerciseText":"// Single handle tricep pushdowns and pronated dumbbell kickbacks – Do plenty of warm ups to get your elbows greased up. Take a look at the video to see my body position and how hard I am squeezing every rep. Do 15 reps there, then step back, grab some dumbells and do pronated kick back for sets of 8. Do 4 rounds.\nPushdowns with single handles / 4x15 / 57.46% / @9\nCable Kickback / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9\n// Incline L-extensions and cable curls – Really watch the form in the video here. These will feel great in your triceps for 10 reps each arm. Then just pick the cable attachment you like the most of biceps and do sets of 10 on cable curls. This could be the short straight bar, e-z bar wide or narrow or even the rope. 4 rounds of this.\nIncline L-extensions / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\nBicep Curl, Cable / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\n// Preacher curls and standing e-z bar curls – So onto my favorite bicep builder, preacher curls, for 8. Then stand up and grab the bar in the wide handles and do 3 second negative curls for 8 reps. Do 4 rounds\nPreacher Curl, Leverage Machine / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9\nStanding EZ bar curls wide grip / 4x8 / 75.96% / @9\n// Pyramid up to a tough 8 and stay there and do 6 sets. Remember to focus on the stretch.\ncalf raise, pivot leg press / 6x8 / 75.96% / @9"},{"name":"Back","exerciseText":"// Assisted pull-ups – After 2 warm up sets, give me 2 sets wide grip and 2 sets narrow/neutral grip on pull ups. Shoot for 8-10 reps per set.\nPull Up, Band / 4x8-10 / 70.67% / @9\n// Rack pulls – Work up to a HARD 6 reps here. Now it’s time to work. Keep your form flawless, do not bounce the weight off the pins and use your entire back to move the weight. Once you get there, I want 6 hard reps, stay strapped in, have your training partners pull 30% of the load off and give me 10 reps. Then pull another 30% off and go to failure. We will call this 3 working sets.\nRack pull / 1x6 83.88% @10, 2x10 50%\n//After those rack pulls, let’s have a seat with a chest supported machine and knock down some rows. 4 sets of 10 reps here. If you don’t have this exact machine, just use something with a chest pad here because we are going back t working erectors nex\nChest supported machine / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\nBack Extension, Bodyweight / 4x12 / 65.39% / @9\n// Seated dumbbell curls – If you need to go foam roll your back before doing biceps, I completely understand. Palms up the entire time here for 4 sets of 10!\nBicep Curl / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\n// Ok now do 4 good sets of 10 here flexing hard at the top of every rep. Feel the stretch at the bottom, but don’t go super deep\nPreacher Curl, Leverage Machine / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\nHanging Leg Raise / 4x10+ / 73.31%"},{"name":"Chest","exerciseText":"// Just give me a slow pyramid up to a top in weight of 8 reps. After you do your 8, give me 15 partials out of the stretched position on your last working set. Be careful and do not go back too far back with your elbows.\nMachine press / 1x8 75.96% @9, 2x8 50%\n// Incline barbell press –Same as last week but bumping reps to 10 with the goal of using the same weights as last week. Do 4 sets of 10. Make note of the RPE for these reps.\nIncline Bench Press, Smith Machine / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\n//Decline dumbell press – Do 3 set of 10 here. Flex your pecs hard upon contraction and try to get a nice stretch on each rep as well. Watch the video closely for form. Use a slight decline here as well.\nDecline Bench Press, Dumbbell / 3x10 / 70.67% / @9\n//These felt so good last week, I’m keeping them in there but for higher reps. Do 3 sets of 15 here to finish off the chest portion of today. Total Work Sets: 3\nChest Fly, Leverage Machine / 3x15 / 57.46% / @9\n// 4 sets of 15 here with a moderate weight. Think ou with the dumbells, not up! This will help minimize trap recruitment.\nBent over Dumbell side laterals / 4x15 / 50% / @8\n// Reverse pec-deck flyes – 2 rear delt movements today is in order. Do 4 sets of 15 with a pause in the contracted position for 2 seconds\nReverse Fly, Leverage Machine / 4x15 / 57.46% / @9\nSupinated pushdowns with single handles / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9\n// Lets stay in the cable station and do 4 sets of 15 reps with the vbar attachment. After your 15th rep of every set, do a 10 second ISO hold at the midrange. If your training partner can push down on the weight stack even better!!\nV-bar pushdowns / 4x15 / 57.46% / @9"},{"name":"Legs","exerciseText":"// Straight sets here in the 8-10 rep range. Give me 2 warm ups, 2-3 feeder. Then 4 work sets with a heavy weight\nLying Leg Curl / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9 / warmup: 2x15 50%\n// Back to squats this week but a fun little technique. Come down, pause in the bottom position for a split second, then fire the weight up. Pyramid up doing sets of 8 like this till you know you couldn’t do one more rep with perfect form and with the pause.\nSquat, Smith Machine / 3x8 / 75.96% / @9\n// Leg Press – Time for some sweep work on the leg press. Watch the video for the form and do 3 sets of 30. This will blow your legs up and fast. Total Work Sets: 3\nPivot leg press / 3x30 / 50% / @9\n// Do 3 sets of 8 here. Only come up 3/4 ‘s of the way on these reps today to keep all the tension on the hams.\nStiff Leg Deadlift, Dumbbell / 3x8 / 75.96% / @9\nCalf Press on Leg Press / 4x10 / 70.67% / @9"},{"name":"Biceps and Triceps","exerciseText":"// Good squeeze here working the contraction.Then…\nV-bar pushdowns / 3x8 / 75.96% / @9\n// second time this week doing these! Old school and great for your medial tricp head.\nCable Kickback / 3x8 / 75.96% / @9\n//Cross-bench dips – Just bodyweight is all you will need. Sink these as deep as your shoulders can safely and the up to a full contraction\nTriceps Dip / 3x8 / 75.96% / @9\n// Now onto biceps with NO rest!!!\nBicep Curl, EZ Bar / 3x8 / 75.96% / @9 / warmup: 2x10 50%\nHammer Curl / 3x9 / 75.96% / @9 / warmup: 2x10 50%\nCable rope curls / 3x8 / 75.96% / @9","description":"Last day of Task Master…….I want to get WILD!!!\nCrazy 8's: we are going to do 6 exercises in a giant set fashion. So do a few\nwarm-ups sets of pushdowns and curls before getting into our 6 working rounds.\nEvery exercise your goal is to pick a weight where 8 reps is the perfect amount.\nAs you progress through this workout you will have to adjust the weight as the\npump sets in."}]}]}},"version":"20250306192146","settings":{"timers":{"warmup":90,"workout":180,"reminder":900},"units":"lb"}},"shouldSyncProgram":false,"isMobile":false,"revisions":[]}